The BSE Sensex closed 397 points, or 0.76 percent, higher at 52,769.73 while the Nifty ended with a gain of 120 points, or 0.76 percent, at 15,812.35. BSE Midcap index closed 2 points higher at 22,906.58 while the smallcap index settled 120 points, or 0.46 percent, up at 26,188.45. Among the sectors, barring IT, teck and FMCG, all ended in the green, with banking and financial indices rising over a percent each.
The BSE Sensex closed 397 points, or 0.76 percent, higher at 52,769.73 while the Nifty ended with a gain of 120 points, or 0.76 percent, at 15,812.35. BSE Midcap index closed 2 points higher at 22,906.58 while the smallcap index settled 120 points, or 0.46 percent, up at 26,188.45. Among the sectors, barring IT, teck and FMCG, all ended in the green, with banking and financial indices rising over a percent each.