Equity indices finished higher on Tuesday with both the BSE and NSE indices scaling fresh record highs as Covid-19 vaccine hopes turn high. After hitting an intra-day high of 44,161, the benchmark BSE sensex settled 315 points or 0.72 per cent higher at record closing of 43,953; while the broader NSE Nifty finished 94 points or 0.74 per cent up at fresh peak of 12,874. Top gainers in the sensex pack included Tata Steel, SBI, HDFC Bank, Bajaj Finance, Axis Bank and L&T with their shares rising as much as 6 per cent. While NTPC, ONGC, HCL Tech, Infosys, Hindustan Unilever, ITC and Power Grid were the major losers falling up to 2.69 per cent. On the NSE platform, sub-indices Nifty Metal, Bank, Financial Services and PSU Bank gained as much as 2.49 per cent.
Equity indices finished higher on Tuesday with both the BSE and NSE indices scaling fresh record highs as Covid-19 vaccine hopes turn high. After hitting an intra-day high of 44,161, the benchmark BSE sensex settled 315 points or 0.72 per cent higher at record closing of 43,953; while the broader NSE Nifty finished 94 points or 0.74 per cent up at fresh peak of 12,874. Top gainers in the sensex pack included Tata Steel, SBI, HDFC Bank, Bajaj Finance, Axis Bank and L&T with their shares rising as much as 6 per cent. While NTPC, ONGC, HCL Tech, Infosys, Hindustan Unilever, ITC and Power Grid were the major losers falling up to 2.69 per cent. On the NSE platform, sub-indices Nifty Metal, Bank, Financial Services and PSU Bank gained as much as 2.49 per cent.