Market benchmarks Sensex and Nifty ended in the green for the third consecutive session amid positive global cues. Sensex closed 529 points, or 1.14 percent, higher at 46,973.54 while Nifty settled at 13,749.25, with a gain of 148 points or 1.09 percent. Mid and small-caps underperformed their large peers as the BSE Midcap and Smallcap indices closed 0.06 percent and 0.59 percent up, respectively.
Market benchmarks Sensex and Nifty ended in the green for the third consecutive session amid positive global cues. Sensex closed 529 points, or 1.14 percent, higher at 46,973.54 while Nifty settled at 13,749.25, with a gain of 148 points or 1.09 percent. Mid and small-caps underperformed their large peers as the BSE Midcap and Smallcap indices closed 0.06 percent and 0.59 percent up, respectively.