Indian indices pared gains to settle on a flat note on Wednesday as gains in IT stocks were capped by losses in index heavyweights RIL and Bharti Airtel. RIL shares fell over 4 percent on profit booking after the company's chairman announced a new strategic partnership with Google. The Sensex ended 19 points higher at 36,052 while the Nifty rose 11 points to settle at 10,618. The top 5 gainers on the Nifty50 index were all IT stocks - Wipro, Infosys, HCL Tech, Tech Mahndra, and TCS, up between 2.7 percent and 17 percent. Meanwhile, RIL, Bharti Airtel, Zee, GAIL, and Bharti Infratel led the losses.
Indian indices pared gains to settle on a flat note on Wednesday as gains in IT stocks were capped by losses in index heavyweights RIL and Bharti Airtel. RIL shares fell over 4 percent on profit booking after the company's chairman announced a new strategic partnership with Google. The Sensex ended 19 points higher at 36,052 while the Nifty rose 11 points to settle at 10,618. The top 5 gainers on the Nifty50 index were all IT stocks - Wipro, Infosys, HCL Tech, Tech Mahndra, and TCS, up between 2.7 percent and 17 percent. Meanwhile, RIL, Bharti Airtel, Zee, GAIL, and Bharti Infratel led the losses.