The Sensex ended 254.57 points - or 0.64 per cent - higher at 39,982.98, and the Nifty settled at 11,762.45, up 82.10 points - or 0.70 per cent - from its previous close. Top gainers in the Nifty basket of 50 shares were Tata Steel, JSW Steel, Bharat Petroleum, Divi's Laboratories and Shree Cement, trading between 3.01 per cent and 4.87 per cent higher. UPL, HCL Tech, Mahindra & Mahindra, Asian Paints and Reliance Industries, down 0.88-7.31 per cent each, were the worst hit among 11 laggards in the index.
The Sensex ended 254.57 points - or 0.64 per cent - higher at 39,982.98, and the Nifty settled at 11,762.45, up 82.10 points - or 0.70 per cent - from its previous close. Top gainers in the Nifty basket of 50 shares were Tata Steel, JSW Steel, Bharat Petroleum, Divi's Laboratories and Shree Cement, trading between 3.01 per cent and 4.87 per cent higher. UPL, HCL Tech, Mahindra & Mahindra, Asian Paints and Reliance Industries, down 0.88-7.31 per cent each, were the worst hit among 11 laggards in the index.