The benchmark indices closed on a strong note on Thursday with the Nifty50 scaling above 14,700 levels.The BSE Sensex rallied 272.21 points to close at 48,949.76, and the Nifty50 was up 106.90 points at 14,724.80. The broader markets also traded in line with frontliners as the Nifty Midcap 100 and Smallcap 100 indices gained 0.94 percent and 0.7 percent respectively.
The benchmark indices closed on a strong note on Thursday with the Nifty50 scaling above 14,700 levels.The BSE Sensex rallied 272.21 points to close at 48,949.76, and the Nifty50 was up 106.90 points at 14,724.80. The broader markets also traded in line with frontliners as the Nifty Midcap 100 and Smallcap 100 indices gained 0.94 percent and 0.7 percent respectively.