Sensex closed at a lifetime high by gaining 206.40 points to 41,558.57. Similarly, the broader Nifty too ended at historic high by rising 59.60 points to 12,224.60. Mahindra & Mahindra was the top gainer in the Nifty pack rising up to 3.59 per cent, followed by Sun Pharma, JSW Steel, Asian Paint and HDFC Bank. On the other hand, Tata Motors was the top loser, shedding up to 2.89 per cent. GAIL, Grasim, YES Bank and SBI were the other major losers.
Sensex closed at a lifetime high by gaining 206.40 points to 41,558.57. Similarly, the broader Nifty too ended at historic high by rising 59.60 points to 12,224.60. Mahindra & Mahindra was the top gainer in the Nifty pack rising up to 3.59 per cent, followed by Sun Pharma, JSW Steel, Asian Paint and HDFC Bank. On the other hand, Tata Motors was the top loser, shedding up to 2.89 per cent. GAIL, Grasim, YES Bank and SBI were the other major losers.