Benchmark indices gained for third day in a row with the BSE Sensex rising 147.15 points to 37,641.27 on easing fiscal deficit worries after RBI decided to transfer Rs 1.76 lakh crore to government. The Nifty50 closed above 11,100 for first time since August 9 this year, up 47.50 points at 11,105.40.
Tata Motors, Tata Steel, Yes Bank, ICICI Bank, M&M, SBIN, Lt, HDFC, ONGC, reliance were top gainers while Sun pharma, Kotak Bank, TCS, INFY, TECHM and BHARTIARTL were top losers.
Benchmark indices gained for third day in a row with the BSE Sensex rising 147.15 points to 37,641.27 on easing fiscal deficit worries after RBI decided to transfer Rs 1.76 lakh crore to government. The Nifty50 closed above 11,100 for first time since August 9 this year, up 47.50 points at 11,105.40.
Tata Motors, Tata Steel, Yes Bank, ICICI Bank, M&M, SBIN, Lt, HDFC, ONGC, reliance were top gainers while Sun pharma, Kotak Bank, TCS, INFY, TECHM and BHARTIARTL were top losers.