The 30-share BSE Sensex was up 645.97 points or 1.72 percent at 38,177.95 and the Nifty50 rallied 186.90 points or 1.68 percent to 11,313.30. About 1251 shares have advanced, 1232 shares declined, and 170 shares are unchanged. The banking index zoomed over 3 percent while IT stocks dragged.
The 30-share BSE Sensex was up 645.97 points or 1.72 percent at 38,177.95 and the Nifty50 rallied 186.90 points or 1.68 percent to 11,313.30. About 1251 shares have advanced, 1232 shares declined, and 170 shares are unchanged. The banking index zoomed over 3 percent while IT stocks dragged.