The Indian equity benchmarks Sensex and Nifty closed in the red, erasing all gains of the morning session. Sensex closed the day 98 points, or 0.25 percent, lower at 38,756.63 while Nifty closed 43 points, or 0.38 percent, down at 11,421.05. Among the sectoral indices, BSE IT, Consumer Durables, Realty, Industrials and Teck logged strong gains. On the flip side, BSE Telecom, Bankex, Finance and Energy failed to perform and ended the day with losses.
The Indian equity benchmarks Sensex and Nifty closed in the red, erasing all gains of the morning session. Sensex closed the day 98 points, or 0.25 percent, lower at 38,756.63 while Nifty closed 43 points, or 0.38 percent, down at 11,421.05. Among the sectoral indices, BSE IT, Consumer Durables, Realty, Industrials and Teck logged strong gains. On the flip side, BSE Telecom, Bankex, Finance and Energy failed to perform and ended the day with losses.