The Indian equity market erased day's gains to end marginally lower on Tuesday, ending a six-day gaining streak. The benchmark Sensex fell 19.69 points, or 0.04 percent, to 51,329.08, while the Nifty ended 6.50 points, or 0.04 percent lower at 15,109.30. Broader indices, Nifty Smallcap 100 and Nifty Midcap100 ended 046 and 0,08 percent lower.Among sectors, Nifty Auto, Nifty Pharma, Nifty Media, Nifty FMCG and Nifty IT declined, while Nifty Fin Services and Nifty Private Bank ended in the green.
The Indian equity market erased day's gains to end marginally lower on Tuesday, ending a six-day gaining streak. The benchmark Sensex fell 19.69 points, or 0.04 percent, to 51,329.08, while the Nifty ended 6.50 points, or 0.04 percent lower at 15,109.30. Broader indices, Nifty Smallcap 100 and Nifty Midcap100 ended 046 and 0,08 percent lower.Among sectors, Nifty Auto, Nifty Pharma, Nifty Media, Nifty FMCG and Nifty IT declined, while Nifty Fin Services and Nifty Private Bank ended in the green.