Indian indices ended flat on Tuesday led by gains in heavyweights Bajaj Finance, Bajaj Finserv, HDFC Bank and HDFC. However, the decline in RIL, ICICI Bank, HUL, Infosys and TCS capped the gains. The Sensex ended 10 points higher at 46,263 while the Nifty rose 10 points to settle at 13,568. Meanwhile, broader markets outperformed benchmarks with midcap index up 0.5 percent and smallcap index up 0.2 percent.
Indian indices ended flat on Tuesday led by gains in heavyweights Bajaj Finance, Bajaj Finserv, HDFC Bank and HDFC. However, the decline in RIL, ICICI Bank, HUL, Infosys and TCS capped the gains. The Sensex ended 10 points higher at 46,263 while the Nifty rose 10 points to settle at 13,568. Meanwhile, broader markets outperformed benchmarks with midcap index up 0.5 percent and smallcap index up 0.2 percent.