The Sensex ended 14 points higher at 44,632 while the Nifty rose 20 points to settle at 13,134. On the Nifty50 index, Maruti, NTPC, ONGC, Hindalco and SBI were the top gainers while SBI Life, HDFC Bank, TCS, Infosys and Bajaj Auto led the losses. In intra-day deals, The Sensex rose as much as 335 points to hit a new high of 44,953 while the Nifty added 101 points to its record high of 13,215.
The Sensex ended 14 points higher at 44,632 while the Nifty rose 20 points to settle at 13,134. On the Nifty50 index, Maruti, NTPC, ONGC, Hindalco and SBI were the top gainers while SBI Life, HDFC Bank, TCS, Infosys and Bajaj Auto led the losses. In intra-day deals, The Sensex rose as much as 335 points to hit a new high of 44,953 while the Nifty added 101 points to its record high of 13,215.