The 30-share BSE Sensex rose 21.66 points to 38,607.01 and the Nifty50 gained 12.40 points at 11,596.70. The market breadth remained in favour of bears as about 1,325 shares declined against 1,153 advancing shares on the BSE. Indiabulls Housing Finance, Bajaj Finserv, Bharti Airtel, Bajaj Auto and Dr. Reddy's Labs were gainers while Infosys, TCS, Vedanta, Sun Pharma, Power Grid, Tech Mahindra were losers among Nifty50 stocks.
The 30-share BSE Sensex rose 21.66 points to 38,607.01 and the Nifty50 gained 12.40 points at 11,596.70. The market breadth remained in favour of bears as about 1,325 shares declined against 1,153 advancing shares on the BSE. Indiabulls Housing Finance, Bajaj Finserv, Bharti Airtel, Bajaj Auto and Dr. Reddy's Labs were gainers while Infosys, TCS, Vedanta, Sun Pharma, Power Grid, Tech Mahindra were losers among Nifty50 stocks.