Indian indices ended near day's high level on May 24 after BJP led NDA government got a clear mandate in the Lok Sabha Election 2019. Sensex was up 623.33 points at 39434.72, while Nifty was up 187.10 points at 11844.10. About 1823 shares have advanced, 676 shares declined, and 150 shares are unchanged.
ICICI Bank, Zee Entertainment, Vedanta, Tata Steel and Bharti Airtel were among major gainers in the Nifty, while Tech Mahindra, NTPC, ONGC, TCS and HCL Tech were some of the losers.
All the sectoral indices ended in the green led by BSE PSU Bank (up 5.5%) followed by auto, metal and infra gained more than 2 percent.
Indian indices ended near day's high level on May 24 after BJP led NDA government got a clear mandate in the Lok Sabha Election 2019. Sensex was up 623.33 points at 39434.72, while Nifty was up 187.10 points at 11844.10. About 1823 shares have advanced, 676 shares declined, and 150 shares are unchanged.
ICICI Bank, Zee Entertainment, Vedanta, Tata Steel and Bharti Airtel were among major gainers in the Nifty, while Tech Mahindra, NTPC, ONGC, TCS and HCL Tech were some of the losers.
All the sectoral indices ended in the green led by BSE PSU Bank (up 5.5%) followed by auto, metal and infra gained more than 2 percent.