The Indian benchmark equity indices ended Tuesday's volatile session flat after scaling record highs earlier in the day. The Sensex fell 49.96 points, or 0.10 percent to 52,104.17, while the Nifty closed almost flat at 15,313.45, down 1.25 points, or 0.01 percent, Broader markets, small and midcaps indices, outperformed the benchmarks ending higher. Among sectors, Nifty IT, Nifty Private Bank, Nifty Auto and Nifty FMCG were lower, while Nifty Metal, Nifty PSU Bank and Nifty Pharma ended in the green.
The Indian benchmark equity indices ended Tuesday's volatile session flat after scaling record highs earlier in the day. The Sensex fell 49.96 points, or 0.10 percent to 52,104.17, while the Nifty closed almost flat at 15,313.45, down 1.25 points, or 0.01 percent, Broader markets, small and midcaps indices, outperformed the benchmarks ending higher. Among sectors, Nifty IT, Nifty Private Bank, Nifty Auto and Nifty FMCG were lower, while Nifty Metal, Nifty PSU Bank and Nifty Pharma ended in the green.