The Indian benchmark equity indices, Sensex and Nifty ended higher Tuesday led by strong gains in PSU Banks and auto stocks amid mixed global cues. The Sensex rallied 0.50 percent, or 247.79 points to 49,517.11, while the Nifty ended 0.54 percent or 78.70 points higher, at 14,563.45. Rally in heavyweights such as Reliance Industries, Axis Bank, SBI, Tata Motors, among others lifted Nifty to end at record high levels. Nifty Midcap100 closed index 0.67 percent higher, while Nifty Smallcap100 was flat. Selling was witnessed in Nifty FMCG, Nifty Pharma and Nifty IT.
The Indian benchmark equity indices, Sensex and Nifty ended higher Tuesday led by strong gains in PSU Banks and auto stocks amid mixed global cues. The Sensex rallied 0.50 percent, or 247.79 points to 49,517.11, while the Nifty ended 0.54 percent or 78.70 points higher, at 14,563.45. Rally in heavyweights such as Reliance Industries, Axis Bank, SBI, Tata Motors, among others lifted Nifty to end at record high levels. Nifty Midcap100 closed index 0.67 percent higher, while Nifty Smallcap100 was flat. Selling was witnessed in Nifty FMCG, Nifty Pharma and Nifty IT.