The benchmark indices closed firm on Friday, after spending a major part of the session in the red. Sensex closed at 33,780, up 242 points or 0.72 per cent, while the Nifty finished at 9,972, up 70 points or 0.72 per cent. About 1224 shares have advanced, 1226 shares declined, and 150 shares are unchanged. M&M, Bajaj Finance, Hero MotoCorp are the top gainers while IndusInd Bank and Reliance Industries are the most active stocks. Among the sectors, the auto index jumped almost 3 percent wile the midcap index gained a percent. IT and power stocks came under pressure.
The benchmark indices closed firm on Friday, after spending a major part of the session in the red. Sensex closed at 33,780, up 242 points or 0.72 per cent, while the Nifty finished at 9,972, up 70 points or 0.72 per cent. About 1224 shares have advanced, 1226 shares declined, and 150 shares are unchanged. M&M, Bajaj Finance, Hero MotoCorp are the top gainers while IndusInd Bank and Reliance Industries are the most active stocks. Among the sectors, the auto index jumped almost 3 percent wile the midcap index gained a percent. IT and power stocks came under pressure.