Global sell-off dragged the Indian indices on the sixth consecutive session on February 28 making worst weekly fall for Nifty since 2009 amid rising concern over the outbreak of Coronavirus. The Sensex was down 1,448.37 points or 3.64% at 38297.29, while Nifty was down 431.50 points or 3.71% at 11201.80. About 458 shares have advanced, 1975 shares declined, and 145 shares are unchanged. Among Nifty50, except IOC and Maruti Suzuki all other stocks ended in the red. BSE Midcap and Smallcap Indices lost over 3 percent each.
Global sell-off dragged the Indian indices on the sixth consecutive session on February 28 making worst weekly fall for Nifty since 2009 amid rising concern over the outbreak of Coronavirus. The Sensex was down 1,448.37 points or 3.64% at 38297.29, while Nifty was down 431.50 points or 3.71% at 11201.80. About 458 shares have advanced, 1975 shares declined, and 145 shares are unchanged. Among Nifty50, except IOC and Maruti Suzuki all other stocks ended in the red. BSE Midcap and Smallcap Indices lost over 3 percent each.