Benchmark indices ended volatile session sharply lower with the Nifty falling below 11,500 at close for first time since May 17 this year. The BSE Sensex was down 173.78 points at 38,557.04 and the Nifty50 fell 57 points to 11,498.90. The market breadth remained in favour of bears as about three shares declined for every two shares rising on the BSE. Nifty Midcap, Auto, Metal, PSU Bank and Realty indices slipped a percent each.
Benchmark indices ended volatile session sharply lower with the Nifty falling below 11,500 at close for first time since May 17 this year. The BSE Sensex was down 173.78 points at 38,557.04 and the Nifty50 fell 57 points to 11,498.90. The market breadth remained in favour of bears as about three shares declined for every two shares rising on the BSE. Nifty Midcap, Auto, Metal, PSU Bank and Realty indices slipped a percent each.