The Sensex gained 129.98 points to close at 39,816.48 and the Nifty50 climbed 44.70 points to 11,910.30 but the market breadth was balanced. About 1,135 shares advanced against 1,327 declining shares on the BSE. Among Sensex 30 stocks, ONGC, HDFC, Bharti Airtel, Coal India and Infosys rallied 1-3 percent whereas Yes Bank plunged 8.2 percent. Sun Pharma, Tata Motors, Bajaj Auto and IndusInd Bank were down 1-2.6 percent.
Adani Power, UPL, Tata Power, Torrent Power and Reliance Infrastructure were top gainers among midcaps while Bayer Crop Science, Oberoi Realty, MphasiS, Vakrangee and Kansai Nerolac were top losers.
The Sensex gained 129.98 points to close at 39,816.48 and the Nifty50 climbed 44.70 points to 11,910.30 but the market breadth was balanced. About 1,135 shares advanced against 1,327 declining shares on the BSE. Among Sensex 30 stocks, ONGC, HDFC, Bharti Airtel, Coal India and Infosys rallied 1-3 percent whereas Yes Bank plunged 8.2 percent. Sun Pharma, Tata Motors, Bajaj Auto and IndusInd Bank were down 1-2.6 percent.
Adani Power, UPL, Tata Power, Torrent Power and Reliance Infrastructure were top gainers among midcaps while Bayer Crop Science, Oberoi Realty, MphasiS, Vakrangee and Kansai Nerolac were top losers.