Sensex hovered around 34,325 levels, up over 250 points, and the Nifty50 index was hovering above the 10,100 mark. Tata Steel (up 3 per cent) was the top Sensex gainer, followed by Sun Pharma and State Bank of India (both up 2%). Besides, Reliance Industries shot up 2 per cent after the conglomerate said that Abu-Dhabi based global investment company . TCS, HUL, Cipla, Bajaj Auto and Infosys were top losers.
Sensex hovered around 34,325 levels, up over 250 points, and the Nifty50 index was hovering above the 10,100 mark. Tata Steel (up 3 per cent) was the top Sensex gainer, followed by Sun Pharma and State Bank of India (both up 2%). Besides, Reliance Industries shot up 2 per cent after the conglomerate said that Abu-Dhabi based global investment company . TCS, HUL, Cipla, Bajaj Auto and Infosys were top losers.