Indian benchmark indices ended a little higher on Friday led by gains in IT, banks and metal stocks. The benchmark Sensex ended 0.04 percent or 14.23 points higher at 38,854.55 while the Nifty ended at 11,464.45, up 15.20 points or 0.13 percent. Broader indices outperformed the benchmarks as Nifty Midcap100 and Nifty SmallCap100 gained 0.68 percent and 0.27 percent, respectively.
Indian benchmark indices ended a little higher on Friday led by gains in IT, banks and metal stocks. The benchmark Sensex ended 0.04 percent or 14.23 points higher at 38,854.55 while the Nifty ended at 11,464.45, up 15.20 points or 0.13 percent. Broader indices outperformed the benchmarks as Nifty Midcap100 and Nifty SmallCap100 gained 0.68 percent and 0.27 percent, respectively.