The government on Tuesday will sell up to 10 per cent in power utility NTPC for Rs 13,800 crore in one of the biggest disinvestment deals. The two-day offer for sale (OFS) will have a core component of 412 million shares (five per cent stake), with a greenshoe option to sell another five per cent. If the OFS is fully subscribed, it will be the third-biggest divestment deal ever by the government.
The government on Tuesday will sell up to 10 per cent in power utility NTPC for Rs 13,800 crore in one of the biggest disinvestment deals. The two-day offer for sale (OFS) will have a core component of 412 million shares (five per cent stake), with a greenshoe option to sell another five per cent. If the OFS is fully subscribed, it will be the third-biggest divestment deal ever by the government.