The Union Cabinet on Wednesday approved the Rs 10,683 crore production linked incentive (PLI) scheme for textiles for man-made fibre segment (MMF) apparel, MMF fabrics and ten products of technical textiles for five years aimed to boost domestic manufacturing and exports from the sector.
“We have been focusing on cotton textiles which are growing but MMF are used in a big way globally and growing very fast. Two-third of the international market is MMF and technical textiles,” textile minister Piyush Goyal said.
The Union Cabinet on Wednesday approved the Rs 10,683 crore production linked incentive (PLI) scheme for textiles for man-made fibre segment (MMF) apparel, MMF fabrics and ten products of technical textiles for five years aimed to boost domestic manufacturing and exports from the sector.
“We have been focusing on cotton textiles which are growing but MMF are used in a big way globally and growing very fast. Two-third of the international market is MMF and technical textiles,” textile minister Piyush Goyal said.