Samajwadi Party patron Mulayam Singh Yadav and his son and former Uttar Pradesh chief minister Akhilesh Yadav on Thursday withdrew their petitions from the Supreme Court in which they had sought relief over vacating the government bungalows. On May 7, the apex court had struck down an amendment in a state legislation allowing former chief ministers to retain government accommodation even after demitting office. ” A chief minister was at par with a common man once his or her term ends,” a bench headed by Justice Ranjan Gogoi had said adding that it had the effect of creating a separate class of citizens for conferment of benefits by way of distribution of public property on the basis of the previous public office held by them.
Samajwadi Party patron Mulayam Singh Yadav and his son and former Uttar Pradesh chief minister Akhilesh Yadav on Thursday withdrew their petitions from the Supreme Court in which they had sought relief over vacating the government bungalows. On May 7, the apex court had struck down an amendment in a state legislation allowing former chief ministers to retain government accommodation even after demitting office. ” A chief minister was at par with a common man once his or her term ends,” a bench headed by Justice Ranjan Gogoi had said adding that it had the effect of creating a separate class of citizens for conferment of benefits by way of distribution of public property on the basis of the previous public office held by them.