A BJP woman leader was arrested in West Bengal's Howrah district for allegedly sharing a morphed picture of Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on social media, police said. "Priyanka Sharma has been arrested for sharing a morphed picture of the CM," a police official said.
In making meme of Banerjee, the accused allegedly used Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra Jonas's image at the MET Gala event. The theme for this year's MET Gala was 'Camp: Notes on Fashion'.
A complaint was lodged at Dasnagar Police station against Sharma, a BJP Yuva Morcha leader, accused of uploading and sharing Banerjee’s morphed picture in her Facebook timeline and thereby violating community guidelines, an official of Howrah City Police’s Cyber Cell said.
A BJP woman leader was arrested in West Bengal's Howrah district for allegedly sharing a morphed picture of Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on social media, police said. "Priyanka Sharma has been arrested for sharing a morphed picture of the CM," a police official said.
In making meme of Banerjee, the accused allegedly used Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra Jonas's image at the MET Gala event. The theme for this year's MET Gala was 'Camp: Notes on Fashion'.
A complaint was lodged at Dasnagar Police station against Sharma, a BJP Yuva Morcha leader, accused of uploading and sharing Banerjee’s morphed picture in her Facebook timeline and thereby violating community guidelines, an official of Howrah City Police’s Cyber Cell said.