In what was seen as the contest of spokespersons, BJP’s Sambit Patra lost a close fight against BJD MP Pinaki Mishra in Puri Lok Sabha seat. In a see-saw battle, spokesperson and sitting BJD MP Mishra finally emerged as a winner by a margin of 11,714 votes. While Misra secured 5,37,782 votes, BJP’s national spokesperson Sambit Patra was trailing behind with 524504 votes. Congress’ spokesperson Satya Prakash Naik came in third.
In what was seen as the contest of spokespersons, BJP’s Sambit Patra lost a close fight against BJD MP Pinaki Mishra in Puri Lok Sabha seat. In a see-saw battle, spokesperson and sitting BJD MP Mishra finally emerged as a winner by a margin of 11,714 votes. While Misra secured 5,37,782 votes, BJP’s national spokesperson Sambit Patra was trailing behind with 524504 votes. Congress’ spokesperson Satya Prakash Naik came in third.