Bharati Ghosh, BJP’s candidate from West Bengal’s Ghatal constituency, was in tears on Sunday morning after being heckled at a polling booth. Ghosh alleged that she was pushed by some women supporters of the Trinamool Congress when she went to a polling station in her constituency.
The former Indian Police Service (IPS) officer, once considered close to chief minister Mamata Banerjee, said her polling agent was not allowed to enter the booth in Chandkhali area of Keshpur in West Medinipur district.
“I am the candidate. I am being pushed around and heckled. Those assaulting me and preventing my polling agent to enter the booth should be arrested,” said Ghosh.
After being heckled at the polling booth, Bharati was subjected to another attack from alleged Trinamool Congress voters. Her convoy was pelted with stones and bricks. Minor injuries were sustained by her in the mob attack.
Bharati Ghosh, BJP’s candidate from West Bengal’s Ghatal constituency, was in tears on Sunday morning after being heckled at a polling booth. Ghosh alleged that she was pushed by some women supporters of the Trinamool Congress when she went to a polling station in her constituency.
The former Indian Police Service (IPS) officer, once considered close to chief minister Mamata Banerjee, said her polling agent was not allowed to enter the booth in Chandkhali area of Keshpur in West Medinipur district.
“I am the candidate. I am being pushed around and heckled. Those assaulting me and preventing my polling agent to enter the booth should be arrested,” said Ghosh.
After being heckled at the polling booth, Bharati was subjected to another attack from alleged Trinamool Congress voters. Her convoy was pelted with stones and bricks. Minor injuries were sustained by her in the mob attack.