The BJP Saturday announced the names of its 64 more candidates for the Lok Sabha polls, including party's senior leader and Union minister Ravi Shankar Prasad from Patna in Bihar and national spokesperson Sambit Patra from Puri in Odisha. Out of the 64 names, 47 were announced in two different lists issued by the party on Saturday, while the names of its 17 candidates were shared with media by the BJP in a joint press conference with its allies in Patna.
With these 64 names, the party has announced the name of its 249 candidates so far for the parliamentary polls which will be held in seven phases beginning from 11 April and ending on 19 May. The counting will take place on 23 May.
These names include 23 nominees for Andhra Pradesh, six candidates for Maharashtra and Telangana, five for Odisha, three for Uttar Pradesh and one candidate each for Assam, Kerala and Meghalaya were announced today besides names of its 17 nominees for Bihar. The names for the first two phases has been cleared by the BJP's central election committee (CEC), headed by its chief Amit Shah and including Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Party also announced the candidature of its national spokesperson Sambhit Patra from Puri, where Modi's name was also speculated as the candidate. Party has also changed the seat of Union minister Giriraj Singh from Nawada to Begusarai in Bihar.
The BJP Saturday announced the names of its 64 more candidates for the Lok Sabha polls, including party's senior leader and Union minister Ravi Shankar Prasad from Patna in Bihar and national spokesperson Sambit Patra from Puri in Odisha. Out of the 64 names, 47 were announced in two different lists issued by the party on Saturday, while the names of its 17 candidates were shared with media by the BJP in a joint press conference with its allies in Patna.
With these 64 names, the party has announced the name of its 249 candidates so far for the parliamentary polls which will be held in seven phases beginning from 11 April and ending on 19 May. The counting will take place on 23 May.
These names include 23 nominees for Andhra Pradesh, six candidates for Maharashtra and Telangana, five for Odisha, three for Uttar Pradesh and one candidate each for Assam, Kerala and Meghalaya were announced today besides names of its 17 nominees for Bihar. The names for the first two phases has been cleared by the BJP's central election committee (CEC), headed by its chief Amit Shah and including Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Party also announced the candidature of its national spokesperson Sambhit Patra from Puri, where Modi's name was also speculated as the candidate. Party has also changed the seat of Union minister Giriraj Singh from Nawada to Begusarai in Bihar.