Khalid Jehangir, the BJP candidate for Srinagar Lok Sabha polls, on Monday, used green color in newspaper advertisements to remind Valley residents that the hue is often used to woo voters. Jehangir, however, said “the use of the color was not intentional, I am a saffron man. It hardly matters which color I use in advertisements,” he also added, “I don’t see colors through the prism of politics.”
Khalid Jehangir, the BJP candidate for Srinagar Lok Sabha polls, on Monday, used green color in newspaper advertisements to remind Valley residents that the hue is often used to woo voters. Jehangir, however, said “the use of the color was not intentional, I am a saffron man. It hardly matters which color I use in advertisements,” he also added, “I don’t see colors through the prism of politics.”