Microsoft founder and well-known philanthropist Bill Gates on Tuesday congratulated Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his government for launching and spearheading the Swachh Bharat campaign in India. Gates - who is part of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation which works to uplift poverty and improve healthcare around the world - complimented PM Modi for his active role. "The leadership of Narendra Modi and the Indian government has played an important role in improving sanitation," he tweeted. "Now is the time to build on the success of Swachh Bharat."
Microsoft founder and well-known philanthropist Bill Gates on Tuesday congratulated Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his government for launching and spearheading the Swachh Bharat campaign in India. Gates - who is part of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation which works to uplift poverty and improve healthcare around the world - complimented PM Modi for his active role. "The leadership of Narendra Modi and the Indian government has played an important role in improving sanitation," he tweeted. "Now is the time to build on the success of Swachh Bharat."