The Bihar government has cancelled the registration of Brajesh Thakur's NGO, which ran the infamous shelter home in Muzaffarpur where 34 girls were allegedly raped over a period of time. The sale of the NGO's assets was banned and the bank accounts were frozen, an official said in Muzaffarpur on Friday. According to Muzaffarpur District Registration Officer Sanjay Kumar, the orders to freeze the bank accounts and ban the sale or purchase of any movable or immovable assets of the Seva Sankalp Evam Vikas Samiti were passed by District Magistrate (DM) Mohammad Sohail on August 7 and 8.
The Bihar government has cancelled the registration of Brajesh Thakur's NGO, which ran the infamous shelter home in Muzaffarpur where 34 girls were allegedly raped over a period of time. The sale of the NGO's assets was banned and the bank accounts were frozen, an official said in Muzaffarpur on Friday. According to Muzaffarpur District Registration Officer Sanjay Kumar, the orders to freeze the bank accounts and ban the sale or purchase of any movable or immovable assets of the Seva Sankalp Evam Vikas Samiti were passed by District Magistrate (DM) Mohammad Sohail on August 7 and 8.