Patna police on Tuesday arrested a man who allegedly threw acid on a woman who had rejected his advances. The man, identified as 21-year-old Sonu Kumar, met the woman on Facebook a few months back. Police have called it a case of "one-sided love". According to Patna SSP Lallan Mohan Prasad, the woman had rejected the man's proposal following which Sonu made a plan to attack the girl. With the help of his friend, Sonu threw acid on the girl's face when she was returning from a temple with her uncle in Patna on Monday. She suffered serious injuries and was rushed to the Gardani Bagh hospital, where she is currently undergoing treatment. "The accused knew the victim for some time and it's a case of one sided love. The victim had rejected the proposal of the accused after which he had threatened to throw acid on her. He was keeping an eye on the movement of the girl and on Monday evening attacked her," said Lallan Mohan Prasad, SSP Patna.
Patna police on Tuesday arrested a man who allegedly threw acid on a woman who had rejected his advances. The man, identified as 21-year-old Sonu Kumar, met the woman on Facebook a few months back. Police have called it a case of "one-sided love". According to Patna SSP Lallan Mohan Prasad, the woman had rejected the man's proposal following which Sonu made a plan to attack the girl. With the help of his friend, Sonu threw acid on the girl's face when she was returning from a temple with her uncle in Patna on Monday. She suffered serious injuries and was rushed to the Gardani Bagh hospital, where she is currently undergoing treatment. "The accused knew the victim for some time and it's a case of one sided love. The victim had rejected the proposal of the accused after which he had threatened to throw acid on her. He was keeping an eye on the movement of the girl and on Monday evening attacked her," said Lallan Mohan Prasad, SSP Patna.