Amitabh Bachchan shared a tweet mocking ICC's boundary rule which decided the 2019 World Cup winner. "You have Rs.2,000, I have Rs.2,000, You have one note of Rs.2,000, I have four notes of Rs.500...Who is richer? ICC: The one who has four notes," it read. In another tweet, Bachchan wrote, "Isliye maa kehti thi ki 'chauka' bartan aana chahiye".
England were named the winners as according to the ICC rules, the team scoring more boundaries in a match will be victorious after the game ends in a tie after the super over also. The rule has been heavily criticized by former players and fans alike as they argued that such an ordinance should not be deciding a match of the magnitude of a World Cup final.
Amitabh Bachchan shared a tweet mocking ICC's boundary rule which decided the 2019 World Cup winner. "You have Rs.2,000, I have Rs.2,000, You have one note of Rs.2,000, I have four notes of Rs.500...Who is richer? ICC: The one who has four notes," it read. In another tweet, Bachchan wrote, "Isliye maa kehti thi ki 'chauka' bartan aana chahiye".
England were named the winners as according to the ICC rules, the team scoring more boundaries in a match will be victorious after the game ends in a tie after the super over also. The rule has been heavily criticized by former players and fans alike as they argued that such an ordinance should not be deciding a match of the magnitude of a World Cup final.