The daughter of a BJP MLA from Uttar Pradesh, who had moved the Allahabad High Court last week to seek police protection, citing threat to her life from her father after marrying a man outside her caste, appeared in court on Monday morning, amid kidnapping rumours and high drama.
The Allahabad High Court termed their marriage ‘valid’ and also directed the UP police to provide security to the couple. However, the couple’s lawyer alleged that the husband was assaulted outside the court room when the couple was leaving after the hearing.
The daughter of a BJP MLA from Uttar Pradesh, who had moved the Allahabad High Court last week to seek police protection, citing threat to her life from her father after marrying a man outside her caste, appeared in court on Monday morning, amid kidnapping rumours and high drama.
The Allahabad High Court termed their marriage ‘valid’ and also directed the UP police to provide security to the couple. However, the couple’s lawyer alleged that the husband was assaulted outside the court room when the couple was leaving after the hearing.