A 21-year-old student from Lucknow, Aadarsh Mishra, currently working on a project for DRDO (Defence Research and Development Organisation) with experts from IITDelhi, has achieved a rare feat. He has co-authored a research paper with Dr Pascal Gehring, expert in quantum effects in electronic nano devices, from Oxford University, on `Field-effect control of Graphene-Fullerene thermoelectric nano devices'. The research has been published in Nano letters, a monthly peer-reviewed scientific journal published by the American Chemical Society.
A first class honours in engineering from Cardiff University, Aadarsh, at 19, was the youngest Indian to be elected fellow of Royal Astronomical Society, London (FRAS). In the research, Aadarsh and other scientists studied the smallest stable structures in nature: single molecules.
A 21-year-old student from Lucknow, Aadarsh Mishra, currently working on a project for DRDO (Defence Research and Development Organisation) with experts from IITDelhi, has achieved a rare feat. He has co-authored a research paper with Dr Pascal Gehring, expert in quantum effects in electronic nano devices, from Oxford University, on `Field-effect control of Graphene-Fullerene thermoelectric nano devices'. The research has been published in Nano letters, a monthly peer-reviewed scientific journal published by the American Chemical Society.
A first class honours in engineering from Cardiff University, Aadarsh, at 19, was the youngest Indian to be elected fellow of Royal Astronomical Society, London (FRAS). In the research, Aadarsh and other scientists studied the smallest stable structures in nature: single molecules.