Anil Kapoor, who is called Evergreen Hero of Bollywood, still reigns in the hearts of his fans. Their personality still attracts people. Recently, his 2 films ‘Total Dhamal’ and ‘A girl looked like this’ was released in which Anil Kapoor’s performance was highly appreciated.
Recently, Anil has revealed that he also wants to work in Sports Biopic and the cricketer wants to play Sachin Tendulkar.
Anil Kapoor, who is called Evergreen Hero of Bollywood, still reigns in the hearts of his fans. Their personality still attracts people. Recently, his 2 films ‘Total Dhamal’ and ‘A girl looked like this’ was released in which Anil Kapoor’s performance was highly appreciated.
Recently, Anil has revealed that he also wants to work in Sports Biopic and the cricketer wants to play Sachin Tendulkar.