Dairy major Amul for the first time has launched camel in select Gujarat markets — Gandhinagar Ahmedabad and the Kutch. Sourced from the Kutch, the camel milk will be available in a 500 ml PET bottles priced at Rs 50, and needs to be refrigerated, as has a shelf life of three days, the dairy major said on Tuesday. Amul had earlier introduced a camel milk chocolate which con ..
Dairy major Amul for the first time has launched camel in select Gujarat markets — Gandhinagar Ahmedabad and the Kutch. Sourced from the Kutch, the camel milk will be available in a 500 ml PET bottles priced at Rs 50, and needs to be refrigerated, as has a shelf life of three days, the dairy major said on Tuesday. Amul had earlier introduced a camel milk chocolate which con ..