Amitabh Bachchan has confirmed through a tweet on Thursday that he will be donating Rs 2 crore for the welfare of widows of Indian Army soldiers’ and farmers. A report by Bollywood Hungama had quoted a source close to Amitabh Bachchan as saying that the actor has set aside a sum of Rs 2 crore (Rs 1 crore for the martyrs families and Rs 1 crore for the farmers repayment of loans) that will go towards the betterment and care of Indian army widows and their families, and towards uplifting struggling farmers in India. The report had also claimed that the 75-year-old actor has even set up a team in his personal capacity to list and locate authentic organisations that will ensure the money flows to the right people. The legendary actor confirmed this the development sharing the links of reports claiming the news. “Yes I can and I will…,” his tweet read.
Amitabh Bachchan has confirmed through a tweet on Thursday that he will be donating Rs 2 crore for the welfare of widows of Indian Army soldiers’ and farmers. A report by Bollywood Hungama had quoted a source close to Amitabh Bachchan as saying that the actor has set aside a sum of Rs 2 crore (Rs 1 crore for the martyrs families and Rs 1 crore for the farmers repayment of loans) that will go towards the betterment and care of Indian army widows and their families, and towards uplifting struggling farmers in India. The report had also claimed that the 75-year-old actor has even set up a team in his personal capacity to list and locate authentic organisations that will ensure the money flows to the right people. The legendary actor confirmed this the development sharing the links of reports claiming the news. “Yes I can and I will…,” his tweet read.