Amitabh Bachchan is one celebrity who is really active on social media. From his pictures of meeting fans on Sundays to remembering his old films, Big B often shares his opinions and comments. This time the actor shared a picture of a news piece on how the two divas of Bollywood, Deepika Padukone and Katrina Kaif, are too tall for actors like Aamir Khan and Shahid Kapoor. Well for this ‘height problem’ of Bollywood, Mr Bachchan shared a solution and yes, also a job application.
Amitabh Bachchan wrote, “Job Application : Amitabh Bachchan DOB 11.10.1942 .. age 76 .. 49 yrs experience in films .. approx 200 films acted .. speaks Hindi .. HEIGHT 6’2’’ .. available .. You shall never have height problem !!”
Well we wonder how Aamir and Shahid will react to this post of Big B but Katrina and Deepika must have a smile on their faces after reading this. Big B has earlier worked with Deepika in Piku and the father-daughter they played on-screen was loved by all. Amitabh Bachchan also recently sent a handwritten note to Deepika for her performance in Padmaavat.
Amitabh Bachchan is one celebrity who is really active on social media. From his pictures of meeting fans on Sundays to remembering his old films, Big B often shares his opinions and comments. This time the actor shared a picture of a news piece on how the two divas of Bollywood, Deepika Padukone and Katrina Kaif, are too tall for actors like Aamir Khan and Shahid Kapoor. Well for this ‘height problem’ of Bollywood, Mr Bachchan shared a solution and yes, also a job application.
Amitabh Bachchan wrote, “Job Application : Amitabh Bachchan DOB 11.10.1942 .. age 76 .. 49 yrs experience in films .. approx 200 films acted .. speaks Hindi .. HEIGHT 6’2’’ .. available .. You shall never have height problem !!”
Well we wonder how Aamir and Shahid will react to this post of Big B but Katrina and Deepika must have a smile on their faces after reading this. Big B has earlier worked with Deepika in Piku and the father-daughter they played on-screen was loved by all. Amitabh Bachchan also recently sent a handwritten note to Deepika for her performance in Padmaavat.