Amitabh Bachchan and Rishi Kapoor, who earlier worked together in films like Coolie and Kabhi Kabhie among others are now all set to entertain the audience with their on-screen pairing. Rishi confirmed the news of his collaboration with Amar Akbar Anthony co-star on social media platform Twitter. Sharing his excitement for working with Big B after a long gap of 26 years, Rishi Kapoor wrote: Wonderful to work again with the Legendary Amitabh Bachchan. Thank you Amitji, it never felt the 26 years old hiatus.We connected instantly!
Amitabh Bachchan and Rishi Kapoor, who earlier worked together in films like Coolie and Kabhi Kabhie among others are now all set to entertain the audience with their on-screen pairing. Rishi confirmed the news of his collaboration with Amar Akbar Anthony co-star on social media platform Twitter. Sharing his excitement for working with Big B after a long gap of 26 years, Rishi Kapoor wrote: Wonderful to work again with the Legendary Amitabh Bachchan. Thank you Amitji, it never felt the 26 years old hiatus.We connected instantly!