BJP president Amit Shah, who is contesting the Lok Sabha election from Gandhinagar, will start his campaign with two road-shows here on April 6, his party's foundation day.
The first road-show will start from Sarkhej on the outskirts of Ahmedabad Saturday morning and will end at Haveli in Vastrapur. In the evening, Shah would take part in another road-show which will pass through Sabarmati area.
BJP president Amit Shah, who is contesting the Lok Sabha election from Gandhinagar, will start his campaign with two road-shows here on April 6, his party's foundation day.
The first road-show will start from Sarkhej on the outskirts of Ahmedabad Saturday morning and will end at Haveli in Vastrapur. In the evening, Shah would take part in another road-show which will pass through Sabarmati area.