Abhishek Saxena, director of 'Phullu', said that if Akshay Kumar's film 'Padman', based on menstruation, is given an adult certificate by CBFC, he'll get PM Modi to tweet about it and CBFC will fall in line. He added, "Whatever Akshay shows is...worthy of being seen as 'public interest' message." CBFC gave 'A' certificate to 'Phullu', which also revolves around menstruation.
Abhishek Saxena, director of 'Phullu', said that if Akshay Kumar's film 'Padman', based on menstruation, is given an adult certificate by CBFC, he'll get PM Modi to tweet about it and CBFC will fall in line. He added, "Whatever Akshay shows is...worthy of being seen as 'public interest' message." CBFC gave 'A' certificate to 'Phullu', which also revolves around menstruation.