Rajasthan BJP chief Madan Lal Saini on Thursday triggered a controversy with his comments that Mughal emperor Akbar had behaved in an indecent manner with Bikaner queen Kiran Devi. The Congress accused him of creating tension in the society by distorting history.
Mr Saini claimed that Akbar used to misbehave with women in Meena Bazaar, where only women were allowed to work. He claimed the emperor once tried to molest the queen.
Rajasthan BJP chief Madan Lal Saini on Thursday triggered a controversy with his comments that Mughal emperor Akbar had behaved in an indecent manner with Bikaner queen Kiran Devi. The Congress accused him of creating tension in the society by distorting history.
Mr Saini claimed that Akbar used to misbehave with women in Meena Bazaar, where only women were allowed to work. He claimed the emperor once tried to molest the queen.