A 67-year-old man Kochaniyan Menon and 65-year-old Lakshmi Ammal, the couple who met and fell in love at the government-run old age home in Ramavarmapuram in Thrissur district of Kerala, got married. Lakshmi Ammal wore a red silk saree with minimal jewellery and jasmine flowers in her hair. Kochaniyan was in traditional off-white mundu and shirt. Lakshmi said that it was a blessing. “We are not sure how long we can stay together as we are old. But we will be happy and I feel somebody is there next to me always”.
A 67-year-old man Kochaniyan Menon and 65-year-old Lakshmi Ammal, the couple who met and fell in love at the government-run old age home in Ramavarmapuram in Thrissur district of Kerala, got married. Lakshmi Ammal wore a red silk saree with minimal jewellery and jasmine flowers in her hair. Kochaniyan was in traditional off-white mundu and shirt. Lakshmi said that it was a blessing. “We are not sure how long we can stay together as we are old. But we will be happy and I feel somebody is there next to me always”.