Bollywood actor Zaira Wasim, who rose to fame with her debut film Dangal where she played the onscreen daughter of Aamir Khan, has announced that she has decided to quit Bollywood as she felt her relationship with religion was threatened.
In a detailed post on her Facebook page, Zaira wrote, “Five years ago I made a decision that changed my life forever. As I stepped my foot in Bollywood, it opened doors of massive popularity for me. I started to become the prime candidate of public attention, I was projected as the gospel of the idea of success and was often identified as a role model for the youth. However, that’s never something that I set out to do or become, especially with regards to my ideas of success and failure, which I had just started to explore and understand. As I complete 5 years today, I want to confess that I am not truly happy with this identity, that is, my line of work. For a very long time now it has felt like I have struggled to become someone else.”
Zaira has already completed filming Shonali Bose’s The Sky Is Pink that also stars Priyanka Chopra and Farhan Akhtar.
Bollywood actor Zaira Wasim, who rose to fame with her debut film Dangal where she played the onscreen daughter of Aamir Khan, has announced that she has decided to quit Bollywood as she felt her relationship with religion was threatened.
In a detailed post on her Facebook page, Zaira wrote, “Five years ago I made a decision that changed my life forever. As I stepped my foot in Bollywood, it opened doors of massive popularity for me. I started to become the prime candidate of public attention, I was projected as the gospel of the idea of success and was often identified as a role model for the youth. However, that’s never something that I set out to do or become, especially with regards to my ideas of success and failure, which I had just started to explore and understand. As I complete 5 years today, I want to confess that I am not truly happy with this identity, that is, my line of work. For a very long time now it has felt like I have struggled to become someone else.”
Zaira has already completed filming Shonali Bose’s The Sky Is Pink that also stars Priyanka Chopra and Farhan Akhtar.