Out of 6 airports, Adani is the highest bidder for Ahmedabad, Jaipur, Mangalore, Trivandrum & Lucknow Airport. Gautam Adani-led Adani Enterprises has won five out of six airports. The government had put the airports on sale and invited bids from private players to operate them for 50 years. A total of 32 technical bids were received from 10 companies to operate six airports that are currently under AAI's management. Ahmedabad and Jaipur airports received seven bids each. Lucknow and Guwahati received six bids each. Mangaluru and Thiruvananthapuram received three bids each.
Out of 6 airports, Adani is the highest bidder for Ahmedabad, Jaipur, Mangalore, Trivandrum & Lucknow Airport. Gautam Adani-led Adani Enterprises has won five out of six airports. The government had put the airports on sale and invited bids from private players to operate them for 50 years. A total of 32 technical bids were received from 10 companies to operate six airports that are currently under AAI's management. Ahmedabad and Jaipur airports received seven bids each. Lucknow and Guwahati received six bids each. Mangaluru and Thiruvananthapuram received three bids each.