Bollywood actor Sunny Deol on Tuesday joined the Bharatiya Janata Party amid speculation that he may be fielded from a Lok Sabha seat in Punjab. The 62-year-old actor had met BJP president Amit Shah last week amid speculation that he may contest from Amritsar or Gurdaspur. Deol had met the party president Amit Shah two days back at an airport in Pune. The party is yet to announce candidates for three seats in Punjab -- Amritsar, Gurdaspur, and Hoshiarpur.
All 10 seats of Punjab will go to polls in the last phase on May 19. The results will be announced on May 23.
Bollywood actor Sunny Deol on Tuesday joined the Bharatiya Janata Party amid speculation that he may be fielded from a Lok Sabha seat in Punjab. The 62-year-old actor had met BJP president Amit Shah last week amid speculation that he may contest from Amritsar or Gurdaspur. Deol had met the party president Amit Shah two days back at an airport in Pune. The party is yet to announce candidates for three seats in Punjab -- Amritsar, Gurdaspur, and Hoshiarpur.
All 10 seats of Punjab will go to polls in the last phase on May 19. The results will be announced on May 23.