After the long efforts of last several years, the first meeting of the key office bearers of the active media organizations and press clubs of different states of the country was held in Indore.
Press club presidents and key office bearers from Kashmir to Kanyakumari and Gujarat to Guwahati agreed to conduct activities jointly in a joint meeting organized at the invitation of State Press Club, Madhya Pradesh. For a long time, the need was felt to tie the active media organizations and press clubs across the country in a garland. After making constant efforts in this direction, there was an unimaginable success on Saturday. The Press Club office bearers of cities like New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Jaipur, Ahmedabad, Raipur, Thiruvananthapuram, Kochi, Chennai, Srinagar, Indore, Pune, Patna, Ranchi, Lucknow etc. have been informally named Federation of Press Clubs of India (FPCI).
It was decided in the meeting that the next extended meeting in this regard would be held in the the national capital New Delhi in the coming July. More press clubs will also be added to the meeting. State Press Club, M.P. will host and coordinate this meeting. The office bearers and senior journalists present in the meeting also gave many important suggestions that will be brainstormed in the upcoming meeting.